Join Friends of the Earth and Ashden at this free online conference 9:30am-4:30pm BST exploring how local authorities can accelerate progress towards the UK’s climate and nature targets.
Celebrating the publication of 43 unique case studies that demonstrate innovative council action in response to the climate crisis whilst unlocking far reaching benefits that include green jobs, economic savings and warmer homes. This event will feature individual sessions on six themes:
- fuel poverty
- nature
- energy
- buildings
- transport
- waste.
In each session we will learn from a local authority striving to bring about change and there will be ample opportunities to ask questions on all aspects of each project. Councils will explain how they are tackling climate targets, and what they are learning from doing so. This will be followed by more examples of council action on each theme.
You can sign-up to this event here. Please feel free to attend all day or selected sessions – a recording will be made of the entire conference, so do register and you will receive a recording of the sessions after the conference.
Register here to join this event.