The longlist for the 2016 Ashden Awards has been selected and a total of 49 amazing green energy organisations from all over the world are in the running.
In fact the geographic spread that they cover is one of the widest we’ve ever had – from Haiti to the Philippines, Blackpool to Plymouth, and from Mauritania to Somalia.
Taking place in June, the annual Awards will celebrate 11 sustainable energy leaders in the UK and across the globe.
UK Awards
This year we searched for organisations leading the way in energy storage and demand response, community energy and energy efficiency, sustainable buildings and homes, and innovation in sustainable energy.
The longlist is:
Alquist Ltd, Argand Solutions, bio-bean Limited, Blackpool Council, Breathing Buildings Ltd, The Carbon Trust (Low Carbon Workplace), Cleanergy Technology UK Ltd, Greater London Authority (RE:FIT), Low Carbon Hub, ModCell Ltd, Moixa, National Trust Wales and Cyd Ynni, Open Energi, Plymouth Energy Community Ltd, Rammed Earth Consulting CIC, Regen SW, Repowering Ltd, Sustainable Homes Ltd, Tempus Energy Technology Ltd and Ty-Mawr Lime Ltd.
International Awards
Longlisted applicants from Africa, South and Southeast Asia, Central and South America, and the Caribbean are using sustainable energy to improve health, raise incomes, improve the lives of women and girls and provide attractive, low-carbon living and working spaces.
The longlist is:
1001 fontaines, Abhikram, Azimuth Power, Bicycles Against Poverty, Bicycling Empowerment Network Namibia, Bridges to Prosperity, the Centre for Rural Development, Empower Generation, Envirofit International, Frontier Markets, Gham Power, Grassroot Trading Network for Women, GreenA Consultants, Greenlight Planet, GRET, the Institute for Climate and Sustainability Cities, Jibu, Landsea Design, Mobisol GmbH, Orange County Foundation, PT Holland for Water, Qorax Energy, Simpa Networks, SMEFUNDS, Société Générale Haitienne de Transferts, South Asian Forum for Environment, SunFunder, WaterHealth International and We Care Solar.
Shortlists for each category will be announced in mid-March, with the Awards to be presented at a prestigious ceremony at the Royal Geographical Society in London on Thursday 9 June.
Winners will receive a financial award of between £10,000 and £30,000, help to promote their work and tailored support to grow even further.
Funders of the 2016 Ashden Awards include the Berkeley Group, Citi, the Department for International Development, the Esmée Fairburn Foundation, Eurostar, the Garfield Weston Foundation, Grosvenor, IKEA Foundation, Impax Asset Management, and the Waterloo Foundation.
The 2015 Ashden Awards last June celebrated 11 sustainable energy trailblazers from the UK, France, Belgium, Central America, Southeast Asia and Africa. Watch a video of the Awards ceremony here.