What share of the Kenyan population has a mobile phone?
- 80%
- 70%
- 60%
How many households in England are affected by fuel poverty?
- 21%
- 16%
- 11%
India loses more than 18% of its fruit and vegetables every year because of:
- Lack of infrastructure and cold storage
- Crime
- Strikes

How much of every $1,000 invested in clean energy goes into small-scale off grid products?
- $100
- $10
- $1
This year Helsinki, Lisbon and Seoul all set unwanted
records for what?
- Air pollution
- High temperatures
- Powercuts
Transport accounts for roughly what share of global carbon
- 50%
- 25%
- 10%

How many people around the world don’t have access to clean
cooking technology?
- 1 billion
- 2 billion
- 3 billion
In April, which country announced all its villages now have basic electrical infrastructure?
- India
- Nigeria
- Cambodia