The UK has seen a significant shift of power to cities in the last few years. The potential benefits of devolving powers to cities is hotly debated in economic, housing, transport and skills circles, but less so in sustainability ones. At Ashden we think that needs to change. Embedding sustainability at the heart of policy enables cities to deliver on all their ‘big ticket’ items while ensuring they can offer the quality of life that attracts investment, new residents, and achieves climate. But how do we seize the opportunity?
We were joined by Andrew Carter, chief executive of the Centre for Cities, Polly Billington of the UK100 network, and some of our UK Ashden Award winners for a lively after work conversation with policy makers, funders, investors and energy experts. Over cheese and wine, we discussed and debated the serious business of reducing carbon emissions, and improving lives.
This was an invitation only event.
If you would like to learn more you can read about our liveable cities programme here or please get in touch with