Tune in to BBC Radio 4 on Sunday 8 October at 07.54am BST – or listen online later

Ashden radio appeal will support clean energy for refugees


Posted By:

Craig Burnett


On Sunday 8 October, Ashden will share an inspiring story of refugee innovation with UK radio listeners – revealing how entrepreneur Innocent Tshilombo has brought clean energy and internet access to Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya.

The story will be told as part of Ashden’s BBC Radio 4 appeal, which is raising money to support more trailblazers like Innocent.

The appeal will be hosted by broadcaster and former Paralympian Ade Adepitan. As the presenter of Africa with Ade Adepitan and Climate Change: Ade on the Frontline, we know he’s passionate about the issues at the heart of our appeal.

Listen to the appeal online from 07.54am BST on Sunday 8 October

Innocent is an Ashden Award winner and founder of Kakuma Ventures. A grant from Ashden has helped him scale his social entrprise, so he can help more of his neighbours work, learn and stay in touch with loved ones.

We’ve also helped Innocent in secure vital new funding from other sources, and taken him to the COP27 climate talks, where he shared his important message with decision-makers from across the globe.

Donations to the BBC Radio 4 appeal will help us give grants and other support to more trailblazers like Innocent, bringing clean energy to refugees and displaced people in the Global South.

Donations are open now

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